Thursday, 26 February 2015


Hello KCSE class of 2013. You must be a lucky group to be joining campus this soon, barely ten months after you graduated from high school.
Kudos to the Ministry of Higher Education. I know by now, scores of people have probably dished out tonnes of advice to you, but allow me to throw in my mercurial nugget of wisdom into the broth. I hope it will taste right for you.
Freshman, as you join campus, please bear in mind that you’re coming here to study. After all, that is why you are in college in the first place.
All other activities should come secondary to academics. If at all you want to come out of the institution with a degree, then this is not the time to start partying all night and sleeping all day.
Attend class. Sounds obvious, right? Until you discover how tempting it is to sleep in and skip that 8 a.m. class. Avoid this temptation. Avoid it like the plague. Bear in mind that this isn’t high school where bells and teachers are on hand to monitor your every move.
Get involved in campus. Join a club or organisation. It will not only develop your social skills and interaction but will also keep you busy. Make as many friends as possible. Believe me, you will need them.
You are probably excited by the fact that you get to manage your own money. Be aware that with that freedom, comes a responsibility. Otherwise, you will soon be acquainted with the meaning of the phrase, easy come, easy go. You do not want to get there.
It may sound cliché, but please stay away from drugs and alcohol. Or at least try. Okay, keep it at a minimum. Being cool does not entail drinking like a fish and smoking like a chimney. Thank me later on this one.
In conclusion, stay true to yourself and uphold the values with which your parents/guardians brought you up on. You will experience a lot of peer pressure, and the temptation to engage in things that are not right will arise. Always refer to your understanding of right and wrong, even if others do not subscribe to it.
Wishing you success and good times as you embark on this exciting new chapter in life.
Boaz Bob
Moi University, Third Year

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